Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am From


I am from cascading sand dunes,

That hug each other like long-lost lovers

I am from warm summer nights

            The piercing sun, the land it covers

I am from bright full moons,

            That pierces the night

I am from the wolves full-hearted cries,

            That is heard far and wide


I am from the sweet aroma of mangoes,

            That fills all empty spaces of the air

I am from the cool summer breeze,

            That freely moves from here to there

I am from busy market places

            Filled with people on the go

I am from rich green trees

            That sway to and from


I am from a land of warring tribes,

            That cut our nation into pieces like a sword

I am from a land of losing lives

            No one can save us now but our lord

I am from chaos and uncertainty

            That blocks our narrow road to life

I am from the cheerful song of birds

            Which now have all seemed to die


I am from a land of a gaunt population

            Oh, the horror to the eyes!

I am from a land of marauding gunmen

            Like a parade of elephants,

moving in a pack, with cool sufficient strides

I am from an unstable nation

            That seems to be tilting more

From a country of war and no stable foundation

            One that can no longer endure


I am from the land of milk and honey

            Oh, how sweet it used to be

I am from the horn of land by the sea

I am from a war-torn country

Wind carrying around the last bits of debris


I am from children scared in their homes

They stay in there for shelter

I am from death knocking on front doors

And being welcomed with an answer


I am from brother torn from brother

I am from blood spilled on the streets

Like a substance no more valuable

Then the salty waters of the sea


I am from a land where the trees whistle softly

And the ground tells stories

Of when it’s people were living in bliss

And there was no such mourning


I am from the mother land

I am from the milk of the camel,

The whistle of the wind,

The heat of the sun….


All of this is where I’m from.


Monday, February 9, 2009


Identity is three-pronged; the first part is knowing where you are from to learn from the past.  The second is knowing where you are, in order to prosper. The third is knowing where you are going in order to work toward your goals.  I’ve found that in order to know who you are and who you want to be, you must be able to understand these three elements of yourself.  I am a Somali youth who works hard in order to one day realize her vivid dreams. Who are you?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

crying is a waste of time...and other random thoughts

Aging is inevitable--this is why I don't understand all of the "old to young magic creams" that are taking over my television set. All I want to do is watch re-runs of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and I am subjucated to see a bunch of sagging old women lift, tuck and pluck their way back to, gross?

Needless to say I hate commercials.

Watching horror movies with a bunch of loud teenagers, not fun. Watching a BAD horror movie with the snark remarks of a bunch of loud teenagers, fun.

Gum = good. Taffy = bad.

Love at first sight is a fairy tale put together by a bunch of pretty people with no talent, (besides the implied). "Personality matters" was created by a bunch of ugly people with plenty of talent, (besides the implied).

That is all...

Much love,


Monday, January 26, 2009

A Few Lines of Poetry

I walk…

Swift and free

I walk 

cool at ease

I walk 

my feet only kiss the dark concrete

And I watch

I watch the faces 

That walk

In all area of space

And I’m mystified

And I close my eyes and the sun’s rays

Beam down on my

My eyes are closed so it’s a flood of red

And I’m alone at once

And although 

the busy sounds of the market place fill my ears

I am alone

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dumbest Man in America: Rush Limbaugh

What is this man's issue? It's as if he epitomizes everything wrong with the Republican party. Loud and stupid his ignorant words pound across radio stations as educated people watch in sheer horror and his fervent followers nod in cult-like devotion. This man is a raging lunatic. A danger to himself and all of society.

Recently Limabugh related how a publication asked how he would mark his hopes for the Obama administration in 400 words...This was his response.

"Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four. I hope he fails." -Limbaugh

So it seems he doesn't quite understand the meaning of the term "president", for those of you who need a quick refreshment it's the leader ofour country, the man that has been given the responsibilty of digging us out of this hole Republicans threw us in. Ringing any bells? So, Limbaugh, self proclaimed patriot, listen here...If Obama fails, this country fails, if this country fails you fail. So, are you sure you don't want to rethink that response? Umm-hmm, just what I thought--silence.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My President is Black

In a country where African Americans were shipped here in ships, forced into chains which bide them to foreign land and kept as property for a century to follow...In a country where these same people were subjected to legal oppression and brutality and racism...In this country where African Americans were not welcome, named property and killed for voicing their opinion, in THIS country we have elected a Black president. A man who's moral character and political vision are so outstanding that even the most fervent of his opposition had to tip their hats. One man, with the voice of a generation and the message of a people, has become the leader of the free world. The 44th president of the United States of America.

My President.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Feeling a little gloomy...

Our graves have been made for us
Is the fire
Pleading to us
And we run to it
We must, we must,
Death inevitable and strong
Weighs on our shoulders
My eyes weep blood of men
As our feet grow bolder
Running wild from ourselves
Leaping, crying as we fell
Over the edge--
I was right to be worried.